


“The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.”
E.E. Cummings.

We’re raised with the belief that we need to achieve something, and become something new. We need to make something of ourselves. We’re supposed to earn more money than our parents did. We’re supposed to achieve a higher degree in college or graduate school. We’re supposed to take on a certain occupation that other people perceive as a sign of success. We’re supposed to own a certain kind of house, drive a certain kind of car, wear certain kinds of clothes, and do certain kinds of things for fun.

All of these expectations can often go unstated, but they’re there. They drive many of us to strive and struggle throughout our lives, always looking to the “next thing” that we’re going to achieve, buy, or become: the thing that will finally make us happy.

A big part of successful mindfulness practice involves being fully present and learning to be satisfied with the present moment. When we’re fully present, we realize that there’s nothing to want for: nothing to achieve, and nothing to become. We’re already perfect right now, exactly as we are. My way of reframing this is to say “We are imperfectly perfect.” Once you fully accept this and come to truly believe it, you’ll experience greater joy, peace, compassion, and calm in your life. You’ll live with greater clarity, and you’ll appreciate every moment.

In this meditation, you’ll be guided in the direction of self-acceptance. You’ll practice acknowledging where you stand, and accepting your current state for what it is. Beyond that, you’ll learn to appreciate where you are now. You’ll practice putting an end to the striving that’s constantly trying to take you somewhere different.

Enjoy this meditation for cultivating Self-Acceptance with LOVE

Embrace Your Heart · Acceptance